It is no secret that just about anybody can easily operate an AdWords account, but to get the absolute best return on investment (ROI), it all comes down to who has created their own

Google Ads. Naturally, Singaporeans come in all shapes and sizes so there are different types of people who may want to start advertising with Google AdWords. However, if you are planning to start your own campaign online, here are some things you should know first:

Location Choice for Your Online Advertisement

The location setting will be one of the first factors that can affect your adverts’ results. For your ads to be shown within the search results page itself, you would need this location target option set up as

‘People in my targeted location’. If you are targeting a global audience, the default setting should be ‘All locations’. However, if your business or service is only available in certain areas, you may want to restrict your ads to show only in those areas.

Another thing to note is that when specifying your location target, you would need to choose the country first and then the city/region within that country. So for example, if you are targeting people in the US, you would need to select ‘United States’ as your country and then enter the specific city or states you want your ads shown in.

Creating Your Ads

Next up would be creating your actual adverts. This can be done relatively easily with Google AdWords as there are many guides and tutorials available online. The best way to learn how to do it is by making a test campaign and experimenting with various ad formats, copy and keywords.

To make the most of your money spent on Google AdWords in Singapore, you should carefully analyze the results from your campaigns to see which ad format or type that brings you the highest number conversions at a cost-per-conversion that works for your business.

In any case, even if you do not have much knowledge about creating Google ads yourself, many marketing agencies offer professional services in helping their clients achieve excellent results with their campaigns so feel free to contact them as well. Furthermore,

If you are looking for a more affordable alternative to Google AdWords, there are also other online advertising methods that you can explore, such as Facebook Ads.

All in all, advertising with Google AdWords can be a very powerful tool for businesses of all sizes provided that the right preparations are made. With Singapore’s growing economy and technological advancements, online advertising is only going to become more popular so it would be wise for businesses to get started sooner rather than later.


Google AdWords is definitely a powerful tool that businesses can use to their advantage, but it is not without its risks. As with anything else in life, research and preparation are key if you want to get the most out of your campaigns.

With Singapore’s growing economy and technological advancements, online advertising is only going to become more popular so it would be wise for businesses to get started sooner rather than later. Thank you for reading!


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